Thursday 31 May 2012

Lion Faces

We made these masks in conjunction with an African theme and week and on the day we watched 'The Lion King'. This is quite an easy craft with plenty of opportunities for kids to extend themselves if they wish.


  • Paper plates
  • Tissue Paper- Yellow and Orange
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Markers

  1. To streamline the process I think it's a good idea to cut strips of tissue paper in preparation for this activity so kids can just focus on the making.
  2. Glue strips of tissue paper around edges of the plate to form the mane.
  3. Using the marker draw a face in the middle.
  4. To extend this activity you can also make a body out of felt.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Wholemeal Banana Muffins

This recipe is healthy, easy and fast. This makes 12 muffins. 

  • 1 Cup Sugar/Sweetener
  • 1/2 Cup Olive Oil
  • 1 Egg
  • 3 Bananas
  • 2 Cups Wholemeal Flour (Self-Raising)
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder/Bicarb Soda
  • Pinch of Salt

  1. Pre-heat oven to approx 160 C (320 F).
  2. Mix together the sugar/sweetener, oil and egg in a large bowl.
  3. Add 3 well mashed up bananas. You can also add some desiccated coconut or walnuts if you wish. Stir until well mixed.
  4. Add the wholemeal flour, baking soda and salt. Stir until well mixed.
  5. Put mixture in muffin tray then put it in the oven for 20 minutes. Check regularly to make sure it doesn't burn.
From Left to Right: Mashed Banana, Sugar-oil-egg mixture and self raising wholemeal flower.



Tuesday 29 May 2012

Sandcastle Competition

If you are able to, holding a sand castle building competition is great fun.
It promotes teamwork as well as using natural materials to build structures. Here are some designs that we built.

Monday 28 May 2012

Knights in Armour

Sticking with our medieval/fantasy theme we made knights in shining armour. This is not an idea that I made up I just cannot remember where I saw it. If you know I am happy to give credit where credit is due. 


  • Aluminium Foil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Coloured Card

  1. When cutting out your knight it is easier to cut it out section by section. As in cut out a shoe, then a shin, then a thigh and finally a knee cap. Rather than try for the whole leg as the foil can tear quite easily and the whole exercise can make you quite frustrated. 
  2. Use different materials to add details such as a shield/emblem. You could do a flag that comes of the page with fabric. You can add many elements to this activity. It really depends on how far you or the kids want to go. 
Below are some examples of what we did 


Shield emblem from coluring sheet.

Add a background for more depth

You ca also add fantastical colouring ins to make the picture more exciting.

Friday 25 May 2012

Personal Coat of Arms

Personal Coat of Arms

As part of fantasy theme week we designed our personal coat of arms. I explained that this consists of shields that have pictures and symbols that are special to them of their family.


  • Coloured Paper
  • Marker
  • Glue
  • Scissors

  1. Print off a number of knights shields and transfer them to a cardboard template. This saves time in the end as kids can trace what design they like on what colour paper they like. Go here for different types.
  2. It is usually a good idea to have a quick talk to the kids about what they would like to put on the shield. Things like where their family is from, what their favourite sports is, their favourite hobbies, who is in their family etc are  great things to put on the shield.


Thursday 24 May 2012

Day of the Dead Mask

Day of the Dead Mask

As part of a theme week on South America we did two different types of masks. These were Mardi Gras and Day of the Dead. For those of you who don't know Day of the Dead is central and south American festival/holiday that focuses on remembering those who came before you. For more information click here.

  • Paper Plate
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Coloured Paper
  • Coloured Squares
  • Sequins


  1. Start off by sketching out where you want the eye holes and the shape of the skull. I have made mine quite simple as I needed to do a lot in a hurry.
  2. Cut out the eye holes.
  3. Using what materials you have decorate the mask.
  4. If you are unfamiliar with Day of the Dead style I have included some examples below as well as my finished mask.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Bridge Building

Bridge Building

This is a fun and engaging activity that we recently did at after school care. You need plan for it a bit, saving up cardboard and various other materials that can be used to make a bridge. 

Somethings that can be used include:
  • Cardboard boxes
  • newspaper
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Masking Tape
I found that it was easier to have groups of four to make one bridge. That way kids can bounce ideas of each other and work through it as a team. It is also best to have a minimum size of the bridge but make sure the measurement is easily at hand. I used a clipboard to make sure the space between tables always stayed constant for all the groups, of course there are always some sneaky children! 

Here are some pictures of what they came up with:

In addition to this you make it a competition to see who can make the longest bridge or the strongest bridge. 

Monday 21 May 2012

Crocodile Bookmark

Crocodile Bookmark

Materials Needed

  • Coloured Paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Coloured Pencils
  • Markers

  1. On a piece of green paper sketch out the head of the crocodile, an oval type shape.
  2. Cut it out and trace it to make the bottom of the head.
  3. Glue the backs of the ovals together, so that it can open up like a mouth.
  4. Using the other coloured paper decorate the head and add detail.
This is a fairly simple activity and can be adapted to other animals.

Friday 18 May 2012

Felt Animals

Felt Animals

This is a good activity for children if you a learning about a particular country and their native animals or you are learning about types of animals such as mammals, reptiles or birds.

Materials Needed

  • Different coloured felt, fabric or paper.
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Animal outline or colouring pages.

  • Using the felt pieces or scrap fabric cut into different shapes to fit on animal
  • You can either stick with how the animal is coloured like a Tiger or Zebra.
  • Or you can make colourful new animals.
This example has used corrugated card for the animal and felt for the scene.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Box Masks

Box Masks

Materials Needed

This one may need a little planning. If you are working at a child care center or after school care that does big orders once a term or every six weeks or so much sure you save all your boxes. While this means that your office or work space may become cluttered it is worth it in the end.  You can either make it free art or define it with a theme such as robots.

  • Big Boxes
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Markers


  1. Let the kids know what you expect of them, whether the activity is free o defined.
  2. Let them go!
  3. You may need to make sure some children aren't greedy though.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Dot and Line Animal Pictures

Dot and Line Animal Pictures

Materials Needed

  • Animal Outlines
  • Different Coloured Paper
  • Markers
  • Glue

  1. Either draw or print off some animal outlines. A simple Google search should let you find some. I imagine the animals you would use would be country specific so I wont post any links.
  2. Using different colours fill in the pictures with lines and dots that give the animal definition. (see below)
  3. Cut this picture out and glue it on some coloured card.
  4. Create a nature scene surrounding it using the same dot and line method you used to fill the animal in.
This activity of course doesn't need to be limited to animals but can incorporate a large number of themes.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

God's Eye

God's Eye

This one is not something I have made up but it is a great activity for children, especially on a rainy day.

For full instructions go here:

Here are some that the children made the other day

Monday 14 May 2012

Cactus Flower

Cactus Flower

Materials Needed

  • Polystyrene Bell Shape
  • Green, Yellow and Red tissue Paper
  • Match Sticks
  • Scissors
  • Glue

  1. Cut the green tissue paper in to small sections and glue on to polystyrene bell shape.
  2. Wait until dried
  3. Stick in match sticks
  4. Create a flower to be placed on top. There are many ways to do this so have a couple of tries and see what woks best for you.
If you cannot find a polystyrene bell shape I think this could work well with just a toilet roll. It may be a bit harder to insert the match sticks, use a pin to create a hole first.

Friday 11 May 2012

Giants Treasure

Giants Treasure

What you need

  • 5 or more children
  • Something to act as Treasure
How to Play

  1. One child is picked as giant and the others are Jacks and Jills trying to steal it. 
  2. Assemble the kids so the giant is at one end of the play space and the Jacks and Jills are at the other end (No more than 15 meters)
  3. The Giant faces away from the Jacks and Jills with the treasure behind him/her.
  4. The Jacks and Jills have to sneak up behind the giant and get to the treasure.
  5. When the Giant turns around they all have to freeze.
  6. If the Giant sees them move he/she calls them out and they go back to the start.
  7. If/When a Jack or Jill gets the treasure they need to run back to where they started.
  8. The Giant then runs after them.
  9. If the Giant tags them then the Giant wins, if the Jack or Jill get back to the start without being tagged then they are the winner and the new Giant for the next game.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Glitter Box

Glitter Box

Materials Needed

  • Coloured Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Cube Net
  • Glitter
  • Glue
  • Newspaper

  1. Using the cube net, or making one your self create a template on cardboard for children to trace. You can find a printable template here:
  2. Before gluing the box together decorate the exterior.
  3. You can use other things than glitter but glitter is the easiest, and messiest.
  4. To save on clean up place newspaper under the box when decorating. 
  5. First put apply glue then shower the surface with glitter.
  6. The newspaper will help you save what ever doesn't stick.
  7. Wait until the glue has dried then put the box together.
TIP: For a more sturdier box use thicker paper.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Paper Bag Piñatas

Paper Bag Piñatas

Materials Needed

  • Paper Bag
  • Tissue Paper
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Scrap Paper
  • Lollies (Candy)


  1. Using tissue paper and markers design a character or a theme for your Piñata. This could be an animal, favourite TV character, country, sports team or best friend.
  2. Fill the bag with scrap paper to make is full and add lollies (candy) as the prize. It doesn't necessarily have to be food it could be toys as well.
  3. Tape up the paper bag when finished and attach some string to the top.
  4.  Hang it up and have fun!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

New Facebook Page

Announcing our new facebook page. Get updates directly into your feed. Share with your friends!


Thanks to everybody who had a look. Remember to keep coming back as it is updated every week day with brand new activities, crafts and games.

Change the Action

Change the Action

What you need

  • 10 or more children

How to Play

  • Organise the children into a circle.
  • Pick one child, usually an older child for the first go, and send them out of the room or so they cannot see the circle.
  • Pick one child to be the changer.
  • The changer does actions which everybody in the circle then copies i.e. clapping hands, patting lap, rubbing head etc.
  • The child who is out of the room them comes back in and stands in the middle of the circle.
  • Their job is to pick the changer, usually within three guesses.

Make sure the children are inventive with their actions. This game can be played standing up or sitting down. 

Monday 7 May 2012

Paper Plate Sun Catcher

Paper Plate Sun Catcher

Materials Needed
  • Paper Plate
  • Cellophane
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Tissue Paper


  1. Fold the paper plate in half, do not make a crease, and cut out the middle.
  2. Stick cellophane on the back so it covers the middle, you use either one or a variety of colours.
  3. Using the tissue paper, or what ever else you may have lying around, decorate the out side.

This one was meant to be like a sun.

Friday 4 May 2012

Spring Blossom Tree

Spring Blossom Tree

Materials Needed

  • Tissue paper - various bright colours
  • Tree branch
  • Scissors
  • PVA Glue
  • Glue Brush
  • Bucket
  • Sand


  1. Cut the tissue paper into small squares, doesn't have to be exact.
  2. Put the tree branch in the bucket full of sand so it looks like a small tree.
  3. Scrunch up the tissue paper into small balls.
  4. Glue these balls onto the branch in the where every you can find a stable spot. You can then add not so scrunched up tissue paper as opened flowers.
This is a good ongoing project as you can only do so much in a day then you need to let it dry. It is good to have a couple of 'trees' of different colours it creates a great effect.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Snake Charmer

Snake Charmer

Materials Needed

  • A4 or A3 coloured paper
  • Popsicle Stick
  • String/Fishing Line
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Various Decorative Materials
  • Glue


  1. On a piece of paper draw the shape of a snake's head. The bigger the piece  of paper the bigger snake will be .

2. Draw a large circle from the back of the snake's head to its nose.

3. From the other side of the snake's neck draw a spiral line into the center of the snake.

4. First cut around the snake, then cut along the spiral line.

5. Now comes the decorating.

6. Decorate the Popsicle stick so it looks like a flute.

7. Cut a length of string and attach one end to the flute and the other to the underside of the snake's head. The length of the string depends on the size of the child so may you need to do some testing before sticking the string on.